Do You Know The Bride? Here Are 100 Entertaining Questions to Prove It!

Bachelorette Party Themes

Do you think you know the bride well? Let’s find out with a fun game of “How well do you know the bride?” Bachelorette party games are a great way to get the night started, create memories, help the squad bond, and get the laughs going. Whether your bridal party is mixed with old friends or new, games are a great icebreaker and help start the night off right. 

If you know that you want to play a game at the bachelorette party but are unsure which one, “How well do you know the bride?” is a fantastic choice! There’s only one way to find out who knows the bride best—let’s put your group’s knowledge to the test with a game that digs deep to see how well everyone really knows the bride-to-be. It’s a clean game that can be played around family members, but still lots of fun. You could even throw in a few questions regarding the groom too. This game allows you to find out who knows the bride the best (you may be surprised by who wins!).

Below, we’ll discuss how the “How well do you know the bride?” game is played and provide a detailed list of questions you can use at your party. Let’s get started!

How To Play “How Well Do You Know The Bride?”

This game is quite simple, making it a fun and low-key activity for your bachelorette party! Here’s how to play “How well do you know the bride?”:

Step 1. Make a list of about 20 questions to ask at the party. We’ll give you plenty of options below, with 100 possible questions to ask the group—you can pick your favorite ones.

Step 2. Provide everyone with a list of the questions you’ve picked. You can play the game in a few different ways: either have everyone play individually or pair them up in groups. It’s completely up to you!

Step 3. Give the group around 20 minutes to complete the questions. When the time is up, have everyone swap sheets.

Step 4. The bride should go up to the front of the room or somewhere everyone can easily see her, and someone will ask her the questions on the sheet.

Step 5. The bride will answer all of the questions out loud, and each person will grade how the person they swapped sheets with did. Each correct answer is worth one point.

Step 6. When all of the questions have been answered by the bride, tally up the points earned. Whoever gets the most points wins!

A List Of Potential “How Well Do You Know The Bride?” Questions

There are countless questions you could ask the bride. Try to minimize them to about 20, but to make it easier for you, we’ve rounded up some “who knows the bride best questions” in different categories to help narrow down which questions to pick. You can mix it up and ask a few different questions in each category to make it more interesting!

Light-hearted Questions About The Bride

1.If the bride was stranded on a deserted island where there was no cell phone service or no one nearby, what 2 things would she bring with her?

2.What movie or show is her guilty pleasure? One that she’s embarrassed to admit that she loves.

3.What song would the bride belt out at a fun karaoke session?

4.Is she a coffee or orange juice drinker in the morning?

5.Who is her current celebrity crush?

6.Is the bride young at heart or an old soul?

7.What movie always makes the bride cry?

8.If she could invite anyone over for dinner (alive or dead), who would she invite?

9.What is her favorite kind of pizza?

10.If she could go on vacation anywhere and money was no object, where would she go?

11.If she won the lottery tomorrow, what would be the first thing she spends the money on?

12.Is the bride a fan of rollercoasters?

13.If the bride could be any animal, what would she be?

14.Which holiday is her favorite to celebrate?

15.What is her signature move to break out on the dancefloor?

16.Does the bride have a favorite emoji or one she uses all of the time?

17.How many tattoos does the bride have?

18.Does the bride believe in ghosts?

19.What is her favorite guilty pleasure snack?

20.Would she rather stay in and watch Netflix or go out and party?

Questions About The Bride’s Past

1.)  What was her dream job growing up?

2.)  What was her first car?

3.)  What was her least favorite subject in school?

4.)  What was the bride’s first job?

5.)  Did she have an extravagant sweet 16 birthday party?

6.)  What was her first pet? What was its name?

7.)  What was her first concert?

8.)  What state was she born in?

9.)  What sport did she play in high school?

10.)  Did she go to prom in high school? Do you know what color dress she wore?

General Questions About The Bride

11.)  What is the bride’s biggest pet peeve?

12.)  What is her favorite board game?

13.)  What is the most adventurous thing she’s ever done?

14.)  What is her favorite color?

15.)  Does she have a favorite sports team?

16.)  What is the bride’s middle name?

17.)  What is the bride’s favorite fast-food place?

18.)  What is her favorite ice cream flavor?

19.)  What is her current favorite band/singer?

20.)  Do you know what her middle name is?

21.)  What is the bride’s favorite comfort show that she could watch over and over again?

22.)  Do you know what her dream car is?

23.)  Does the bride have a favorite hobby?

24.)  What book can she reread over again and again?

25.)  What does the bride do for a living?

26.)  What are the names of the bride’s siblings?

27.)  What is her biggest fear?

28.)  Is there a food item that she absolutely refuses to eat? If so, what is it?

29.)  What’s her favorite way to spend the weekend?

30.)  Where was the last place she traveled to?

Fun This Or That Questions To Ask The Bride

31.)  Does she prefer vacationing at the beach or the snowy mountains?

32.)  Does the bride prefer cats or dogs?

33.)  Does the bride like fruits or vegetables better?

34.)  Does she like donuts or muffins better?

35.)  Does she prefer rain or snow?

36.)  Would she rather eat out or order in?

37.)  Does she prefer salty or sweet snacks?

38.)  Is she a country or city girl?

39.)  Would she rather call or text?

40.)  Does she like hard-shell or soft-shell tacos better?

41.)Does she like comedies or horror movies more?

42.)Is she a book or movie person?

43.)Is she an early riser, or prefer to stay up late?

44.)Does she prefer tennis shoes or high heels?

45.)Does the bride prefer pancakes or waffles?

46.)  Does the bride prefer Coke or Pepsi?

47.)  Does she prefer burgers or chicken nuggets?

48.)  Would the bride rather have iced coffee or hot coffee?

49.)  Does the bride prefer sweatpants or leggings?

50.)  Does she prefer wearing necklaces or bracelets?

Questions Regarding The Future Married Couple

51.)  How did the couple first meet?

52.)  Who had a crush on who first?

53.)  Who asked who on the first date?

54.)  Who is the better singer – the bride or the groom?

55.)  Where was their first date?

56.)  How long has the couple been together?

57.)  Who was the first to say “I love you?”

58.)  What is their favorite holiday to spend together?

59.)  Where did they go on their most recent vacation together?

60.)  Who is the better cook – the bride or the groom?

61.)  Who is more organized, and who is messier?

62.)  How did the groom propose?

63.)  Who is more spontaneous and adventurous – the bride or the groom?

64.)  Where will the couple go on their honeymoon?

65.)  Who is more likely to lose their keys – the bride or the groom?

66.)  Who takes the most amount of time to get ready – the bride or the groom?

67.)  If there’s one quality that the bride loves the most about the groom, what would it be?

68.)  Where is the wedding ceremony going to be held?

69.)  How long has the couple been engaged for?

70.)  What movie does the bride and groom love to watch together the most?

71.)  Who has the cleanest car – the bride or the groom?

72.)  Who cries during movies more?

73.)  Where did the bride and groom have their first kiss?

74.)  Who is the designated photographer whenever they go anywhere – the bride or the groom?

75.)  If asked, what would the groom say is his favorite feature of the bride? (You could reach out to the groom and ask him this question to make it more fun).

76.)  What would the bride say is her favorite feature of the groom?

77.)  What flavor of cake is the couple having at the wedding? If they aren’t having cake, what dessert are they serving instead?

78.)  What is their favorite restaurant to go to on date night?

79.)  How long did the bride and groom date before they got engaged?

80.)  Are they taking the bride or groom’s last name when they get married?

Wrap Up Your Game with “How Well Do You Know the Bride?”

Now that you’ve got all the who knows the bride best questions and fun how well do you know the bride options, you’re ready to put everyone’s knowledge to the test. Ask a mix of who knows the bride and groom best questions. This game will bring tons of laughs and create lasting memories. Don’t forget to make it personal by adding a few questions that are unique to the bride and her relationship with the groom for an even more memorable experience!

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