How To Plan A Scavenger Hunt Bachelorette Party 

Bachelorette Party Games

Organizing a scavenger hunt bachelorette party has never been easier with our easy guide! We break down how to easily plan a scavenger hunt you and your squad will love. 

If you need a fun, interactive, and unique way to spend your bachelorette weekend, a scavenger hunt bachelorette party is the route to take. While planning a wedding is incredibly exciting, it’s also stressful. There’s a lot involved in the planning process and you and your squad could use some lighthearted fun. Bachelorette scavenger hunt games are a great way to kickstart your party off on the right foot and it’s a good team building activity. A scavenger hunt is relatively simple to plan, you just need to know how to plan one. This is where we come. We’ll take you step-by-step on how to plan the ultimate scavenger hunt bachelorette party.

Getting The Planning Process Started

Pick A Theme

First things first, you need a memorable scavenger hunt theme. A scavenger hunt theme helps tie in the rest of your party, it can elevate the entire experience of your bachelorette scavenger hunt games, and it personalizes the activity to the bride’s interests. Picking a theme could spark a little creativity amongst your group and you’re bound to have a good time. You can include certain aspects of the theme into the quests and you and your girls could dress the part. 

Decide On A Location

The next step to planning a fun scavenger hunt bachelorette party is to pick a location or a few locations. The locations should be somewhere you see you and your squad having a good time. You don’t have to limit the location to one place. However, if you’re planning on more than one location, like a bar or a restaurant, you may want to consider going downtown to have your party. That way, you don’t have to drive a lot and spend the majority of time in the car heading to each location or public place. If there’s a decent amount of distance between the places you want to go to where you can’t walk to each of them, make sure that you and your group have available transportation lined up for your field trips. 

Create A List Of Items And Tasks

You can’t have a fun bachelorette scavenger hunt without a list of tasks you and your squad need to do – that’s the whole point of a scavenger hunt. First, you should determine the goals you want for the activity. If you want your group to be brave, step outside the box, and complete funny/embarrassing tasks, you could consider having tasks on your bachelorette scavenger hunt list like taking a photo with the bouncer or belting out a popular song together with a stranger. Get creative with the tasks where the girls have to interact with strangers or real people, it will make it more fun. If you are looking for a list that allows you and your friends to explore the town more, it could be to purchase a keepsake at a specific store or check out different local stores or restaurants. Regardless of which route you go, you and your girls will have a blast on your go-seek scavenger hunt.

Write Out The Rules 

In this step, you’ll want to set a time limit for your fun bachelorette game. A time limit will keep the game on track so it doesn’t feel like the game drags on. It also keeps the game fair. Two hours is typically a good time limit to strive for. It gives you enough time to complete several tasks without having your girls watch the clock wondering if it’ll ever end. It also may not be a bad idea to provide your girls with a printable scavenger hunt that explains the rules and some of the tasks. If you’re out on the town, it may be loud, so having the tasks written down could help. 

Get The Clues Ready

Create a list of clues that will take your guests to different locations. The clues or game cards should be something they can decipher that’s not too difficult but also not blatantly obvious. This step will require you to put some extra thought into it, but it’ll be worth it and will take your friend’s special weekend to the next level.

Pick Teams

If you have a larger group, you may want to consider splitting up your group into two to three teams. If you have a small group, you could potentially split your team up into pairs. The game will be more fun and more of a bonding experience to have teams/pairs instead of doing it solo. 

Get Prizes For The Winners

While the bachelorette party scavenger hunt will be fun regardless, you should have a few small prizes set aside for the winners. Typically for traditional games played at a bachelorette or bachelor party, the winner will get a small prize that usually involves the theme of the party, a drink, or something the individual will use even after the party is over. Having a little incentive for your guests to want to participate and try their best at the game is never a bad idea. 

Invite Your Guests

It’s now time to let your guests know about your bachelorette party scavenger hunt! You can either provide the invitation through email if you have your guest’s email address or a hard copy invitation through the mail. On your invitations, you should let your guests know that you’re going to have a scavenger hunt and give them a heads up if they need certain things, like comfortable shoes, a camera, etc. 

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Tips To Follow For A Fun Scavenger Hunt

Make It A Photo Scavenger Hunt

Do you need other additional bachelorette challenges or ideas? While any scavenger hunt will be a fun way to celebrate your bachelorette party, a photo scavenger hunt should be one you consider. You’ll be able to make memories and forever cherish those photos. You’ll also have proof that each task was completed by the other team.

Personalize Your Experience

To make your bride-to-be scavenger hunt a one-of-a-kind experience, try personalizing it. For instance, you could involve some of the bride’s interests in the tasks. Maybe one of the locations they have to go to is the bride’s favorite restaurant or they have to order the bride’s favorite drink. A scavenger hunt isn’t an uncommon activity played at bachelorette parties, so personalizing it will jazz up the activity and make it so your guests won’t feel like they’ve already been there and done that at other parties. 

Some Scavenger Hunt Bachelorette Party Theme Ideas

Costume Party

Who says you have to wait until Halloween to dress up? The best part is almost everyone loves a good costume party. You could have everyone dress up either in the costume of their choice or you could have a themed costume party. For your scavenger hunt, you could include tasks that are on theme. For example, they need to order a drink that starts with the first letter of the name of their costume. 

Treasure Hunt

Do you need some more fun bachelorette party ideas? You could always go with the classic treasure hunt idea. Each place that your girls have to visit is one step closer they will get to uncovering the treasure. You could also print out a fun map for them to make it more exciting.

Something Old Something New

As the saying goes, your girls will have to go to different locations at your request and they will have to gather “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” to win the scavenger hunt. 

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